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The Benefits of Planning Ahead

You can help keep your family or friends from making tough decisions in a time of grief by proactively preparing for the inevitable and prearranging your service. While potentially uncomfortable to think about for yourself, prearranging your service has multiple benefits that can provide a more positive and less stressful experience for both you and your loved ones.

Benefits of Prearranging

Benefits of Prearranging

There are many benefits to end-of-life planning. Here are the top reasons why you should consider making your funeral arrangements ahead of time:

  • Completely Price Guaranteed, when paid in advance

  • Your survivors will never have to worry about doing the wrong thing when finalizing your funeral arrangements. You will have told them exactly what you want.

  • No mistakes and no oversights. After you're gone, everything will be done your way.

  • You have peace-of-mind now knowing that we will follow through with your wishes.

  • After your death, no one can make any decisions you wouldn't want.

  • Funeral pre-planning is the responsible thing to do. It removes the burden from family members.

  • You can make complex decisions ahead of time when you have the time to think things through.

  • Funeral pre-planning can involve pre-payment. This will save your family money and avoid any financial burdens.

  • Funeral pre-planning involves an awareness of the reality of death.


What happens if I move?

Your pre planned services are 100% refundable at any time.
Use the funds you set aside toward services at another funeral home local to you.

What happens if I pass away while Traveling?

We offer Travel Protection. It is a one time payment of $495.

This is an international plan, that ensures the participant can be brought back into our care if they pass away more than 100 miles away from their legal address stated on the agreement.



Death is never easy to plan for or discuss. But what’s even worse is making logistical and financial decisions during a time of grief and remembrance. While starting the process of prearranging may be unsettling or intimidating, it will allow your loved ones to grieve and remember you as you want to be remembered. We will be with you every step of the way to answer your questions and make arrangements that suit your needs. Call us to speak with a funeral director and learn more about your options.

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